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FREE PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases

About the Campaign
& Product Terms and

About the Campaign


Pru Life UK continues to show PRU Love and appreciation to its customers by giving away FREE PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases coverage.
This is part of Pru Life UK’s celebration of Prudential’s 175th anniversary.

Through this campaign, we want to make insurance accessible to more Filipino families.


  1. Campaign Period” is from 24 May 2023 to 29 February 2024 or until one hundred seventy-five thousand (175,000) FREE PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases voucher codes have been given away, whichever comes first.

  2. “Coverage Period” shall mean the coverage period which is stated in the Policy Benefits Page. It starts on the day the Free Product Offer is issued and runs for 6 months.

  3. Coverage Start Date” shall mean the start date of the Coverage period.

  4. Covered Infectious Disease” shall mean Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria.

  5. Death Benefit” is the lump sum amount of Php 50,000 given to the beneficiary of the Life Assured, if the Life Assured’s immediate cause of death is due to Dengue, Measles, Malaria, or Typhoid.

  6. Diagnosis Benefit” is the lump sum amount of Php 5,000 given to the Policyowner if the Life Assured was diagnosed with Dengue, Measles, Malaria, or Typhoid.

  7. Dengue” refers to an acute infectious disease caused by a flavivirus and transmitted by Aedes mosquitos. This is characterized by high fever, headache severe muscle and joint pain, and a rash.

  8. Free Product Offer” refers to the FREE PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases product with the following benefits for a period of 6 months from the Coverage Start Date:



Coverage Amount

Coverage Period

Diagnosis Benefit for diagnosis of Dengue, Measles, Malaria, or Typhoid

Php 5,000

6 months from Coverage Start Date

Death Benefit for death due to Dengue, Measles, Malaria, or Typhoid

Php 50,000

6 months from Coverage Start Date

Please refer to the PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases Policy Contract for the full details on the conditions of the benefits and definitions of the covered Infectious Diseases.


  1. Life Assured” shall refer to the Newborn.

  2. Malaria” refers to a disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is an acute febrile illness where the first symptoms are fever, headache, and chills.

  3. Measles” refers to a disease caused by a virus in the paramyxovirus family. It is normally spread through direct contact and through the air. Initial symptoms, which usually appear 10-12 days after infection, include high fever, a runny nose, bloodshot eyes, tiny white spots on the inside of the mouth, and macular lesions.

  4. Newborn” means any child of the Policyowner who is 7 days to 11 months old when the Policyowner redeems the Free Product Offer during the redemption period.

  5. Policyowner” shall mean any individual who meets the eligibility requirements and avails of the Free Product Offer.

  6. “Redemption Period” is from 24 May 2023 to 29 February 2024 and shall mean the period when the Free Product Offer is valid and may be redeemed.

  7. Typhoid” refers to an infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. It is usually spread through contaminated food or water. Symptoms include prolonged high fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation or diarrhea.

Download the complete Product and Campaign Mechanics, Terms and Conditions here.


Eligibility Requirements

For the Policyowner:

  1. Must be at least 18 years old at the time of application.

  2. Must be a Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines at the time of application.

  3. Must be the parent of the Life Assured.

 For the Life Assured:

  1. Must be 7 days old to 11 months old at the time of application.

  2. Must be a Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines at the time of application.

  3. Must be in good health, must not have signs and symptoms related to Dengue, Typhoid, Malaria, or Measles and must not have been diagnosed with Dengue, Typhoid, Malaria, or Measles at the time of application of the policy.

  4. Must not have any existing PRUDengue MedCare or PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases coverage at the time of redemption of the Free Product voucher.

  1. Campaign Period is from 24 May 2023 to 29 February 2024 or until one hundred seventy-five thousand (175,000) FREE PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases voucher codes have been given away, whichever comes first.

  2. FREE PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases provides coverage for 6 months from the Coverage Start Date.

  3. Select individuals with a newborn child, whether an existing, new, or prospective Pru Life UK customer, may receive a Free Product Offer voucher code from their Pru Life UK licensed agent at the agent’s discretion.

  4. Only individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of the Policyowner and Life Assured may redeem the Free Product Offer using the given Free Product Offer voucher code by completing the application form found in

  5. A Life Assured may only have one (1) Free Product Offer which is in force under his/her name at any given time. In case multiple policies are erroneously issued, only the earliest policy issued shall take effect.

  6. The Policyowner or his or her beneficiary/ies can no longer claim any other benefits of the Free Product Offer if the Death Benefit in connection with this Free Product Offer has already been claimed.

  7. No new product purchase is required to avail of this FREE offer.

Waiting Period:

The Waiting Period is the period of fourteen (14) days after the Coverage Start Date which must pass before Dengue or any of the Covered Infectious Diseases becomes covered under the Policy. During the Waiting Period, the Life Assured must not have any signs and symptoms of, been diagnosed with or had his/her first consultation with a Physician in relation to Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria. 


  1. Diagnosis Benefit

    The lump sum benefit will not be paid if the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, or first consultation with a Physician related to any Covered Infectious Disease occurred before the Coverage Start Date or within the fourteen (14)-day waiting period after the Coverage Start Date.

  2. Death Benefit 

    The lump sum benefit will not be paid to the beneficiary/ies of the Life Assured if:

    1. The cause of death of the Life Assured was Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria, but the signs and symptoms, diagnosis, or first consultation with a Physician related to Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria occurred prior to the Coverage Start Date or within the Waiting Period; or 

    2. If the Life Assured dies beyond fourteen (14) days from the date of diagnosis of Dengue, Typhoid, Measles or Malaria


We will rescind the Policy if we discover that:

  1. The Policyowner or Life Assured does not meet any of the eligibility conditions;

  2. If the Life Assured is already insured with an existing coverage offered by Pru Life UK for any Covered Infectious Disease, as shown in the Policy Benefits Page; or

  3. Subject to the incontestability clause in the Policy Contract, the Policyowner or Life Assured committed fraud, concealment, or material misrepresentation in relation to the Policy.

Assigning Beneficiaries:

  1. It is important to name your beneficiaries to ensure that the proceeds of your plan go to the person/s you intended.

  2. The nominated beneficiaries are set by default as primary and revocable. If you want to change the designation of any or all your beneficiaries to irrevocable or change the percentage of sharing, you may send your request to our Contact Center (

  3. The Diagnosis Benefit for diagnosis of Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria shall be paid to the Policyowner named in the Policy Info Page, provided the Policyowner survives the Life Assured; otherwise, to the person or persons then surviving the Life Assured in the following order of precedence, in equal shares:

    • Parent/s;

    • Sibling/s; or

    • Life Assured’s Estate

  4. The Death Benefit for death due to Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria shall be paid to the Beneficiary/ies named in the Designated Beneficiary Page provided such Beneficiaries are not legally disqualified and survive the Life Assured; otherwise, to the Policyowner named in the Policy Info Page, provided the Policyowner survives the Life Assured; otherwise, to the person or persons then surviving the Life Assured in the following order of preference, in equal shares:

    • Parent/s;

    • Sibling/s; or

    • Life Assured’s Estate


 Other Things to Remember:

  1. As this is a FREE product offer, any and all references to refund of premium paid in the Free Look, Cancellation and Rescission, Product Renewal, and Short Period Rate Scale provisions of the PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases Policy Contract are understood and agreed to not apply to this product offer.

  2. Claims request may be submitted via Pru Life UK business centers or via email at The following are the requirements to request a claim:

    • Claimant’s Statement accomplished by the Policyowner

    • Attending Physician’s Statement accomplished by the Policyowner

    • One (1) valid government-issued photo-bearing ID or identification document of the Life Assured

    • Confirmatory laboratory test results on the applicable infectious disease:

      For Dengue

      • Dengue Virus Antigen Detection (NS1);

      • Dengue IgM (MAC-ELISA); or

      • Thrombocyte count less than 100,000/mm3 and with hospital confinement as shown by:

        • Admission summary and discharge clinical abstract summary, and

        • Duly certified statement of account of hospitalization

      For Typhoid

      • The diagnosis must be confirmed by the Life Insured’s attending physician, accompanied by any of the following confirmatory tests for Typhoid or Paratyphoid Fever:

        • Widal test for S typho O values of more than or equal to 1/200;

        • Stool, Urine, Blood or Bone Marrow culture to detect Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi (S. typhi), or value> 7 from the results of the tubex test; or

        • Typhidot test

      For Measles

      • The diagnosis must be confirmed by the Life Insured’s attending physician, accompanied by the following confirmatory tests for Measles:

        • Measles (Rubeola) IgM antibody

          Positive test related to recent immunization is excluded.

      For Malaria 

      • The diagnosis must be confirmed by the Life Insured’s attending physician, accompanied by the following confirmatory tests for Malaria:

        • Peripheral smear for Malaria parasites (MP test)

          • Measles (Rubeola) IgM antibody


    • For death claim, an original or certified true copy of the death certificate with registry number.

  1. The benefits will be given as a lump sum through fund transfer or cheque pickup within ten (10) working days from submission of the complete claim requirements. If the claim is disapproved, we shall send a notice to the Claimant through his/her registered email.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is the PRUBabies Campaign?

In celebration of Prudential’s 175th year, Pru Life UK is providing FREE PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases coverage to 175,000 newborn babies through QR Code Vouchers.

  1. What is PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases?

PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases provides cash benefit upon either diagnosis or death due to any of the 4 common infectious diseases – Dengue, Malaria, Measles, or Typhoid.

It is offered to newborn babies aged 7 days old to 11 months, and the protection coverage is for 6 months from coverage start date.




PRUMedCare – Select Infectious Diseases

Diagnosis Benefit*

Death Benefit**



6 months

*Lump sum benefit upon Diagnosis of any of the covered Infectious Diseases (Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria)

 **Lump sum benefit for Death due to any of the covered Infectious Diseases (Dengue, Typhoid, Measles, or Malaria)

  1. Who may avail of this product?

This product can be availed FOR FREE by a parent of a child who is aged 7 days old to 11 months. The parent should be at least 18 y/o at the time of redemption of the voucher.

The parent and the child should be Filipino citizens residing in the Philippines at the time of application for the policy.

The child must be in good health, must not have signs and symptoms related to Dengue, Typhoid, Malaria, or Measles and must not have been diagnosed with Dengue, Typhoid, Malaria, or Measles at the time of application of the policy.

The child must not have any existing PRUDengue MedCare or PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases coverage at the time of redemption of the Free Product voucher.

  1. When can I avail of this?

The PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases FREE Product voucher codes are available from 24 May 2023 until 29 February 2024, or until the 175,000 FREE Product voucher codes have been given away, whichever comes first.

The customer is encouraged to use the voucher immediately. The last day for voucher redemption is 31 December 2023.

  1. Can a guardian avail the FREE product for a child?

Only a legitimate parent (either mother or father) can avail of the FREE product for his/her child.

  1. What are the documents needed to avail the FREE product?

A valid ID of the policyowner is required to avail of the FREE PRUMedcare - Select Infectious Diseases product.

  1. Can I benefit twice from the coverage if my newborn gets 2 illnesses within the FREE coverage period?

No, the Life Insured can only avail of both the diagnosis and death benefit for one (1) type of disease during the covered period. 

EG 1. If Life Insured was diagnosed with two (2) different covered infectious diseases during coverage period, the diagnosis benefit will only be paid once. 

EG 2. If The Life Insured was diagnosed and have died within 14 days from the date of diagnosis of the covered infectious disease during the coverage period, the diagnosis and death benefit may be claimed; and the Policy will terminate upon payment of the death benefit proceeds.

  1. How can I avail of this FREE insurance coverage for my child?

The FREE insurance coverage can be availed through your trusted Pru Life UK Agent. If you don’t have a Pru Life UK Agent yet, fill out the Contact Us portion below and we will endorse you to a Pru Life UK Agent:

The Pru Life UK agent will assist you in the application process and provide you with the FREE Product Voucher Code. Kindly note that the voucher code is not yet an insurance policy. The insurance policy will only be issued and take effect after you successfully redeem the FREE PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases coverage.

You don’t need to purchase any new product to avail of the PRUMedCare - Select Infectious Diseases for Newborn.

  1. For other inquiries, who can I get in touch with?

For inquiries about this campaign, please call or email our PRU Customer Action Team and a service representative will be happy to help you from Monday through Fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except holidays.


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